About Us

We are a branch of the New Testament Church of God International ministries.

Our Vision

We envision a generation centred on Christ, living spiritually with the hope of eternal life, and actively working to redeem souls in the Southwest of the UK and beyond.

Our Mission
Our mission is to equip ourselves to go out into the world, preaching the good news of Christ crucified to those eagerly waiting to hear. We aim for everyone to believe in the name of the one true God and call upon His name (Romans 10:14).

Our Ministries
Maranatha Full Gospel Church engages in various spirit-led ministries to serve believers of every age group with the goal of complete physical, mental, and spiritual development, bringing all together as a perfect and blameless body of Christ. We have weekly house meetings, bible study and daily intercessory prayer at 9pm conducted through Zoom.

Our Sunday meetings are a delightful combination of spirit-filled worship, lively testimonies, and life-changing teachings, all offered in reverence to God. The Sunday school caters to our younger members, promoting disciplined growth through annual talent tests and exams. Our committed
Sunday School teachers prepare and deliver engaging, godly teaching materials that not only educate but also inspire a love for learning about God's word. Our Sunday School is a space where the younger members of our church family build lasting friendships, learn valuable life lessons, and experience the joy of community. We strive to create an atmosphere that fosters curiosity and a deep understanding of biblical principles, laying a strong foundation for their spiritual journey.

Our Ladies' Ministry is a dedicated space where the spiritual and mental well-being of our female members takes centre stage. It's a supportive community that recognises the unique journey of women and seeks to uplift, empower, and inspire. In this sacred space, we provide more than just a platform for spiritual growth. We offer a safe haven for open communication, where women can share their experiences, joys, and challenges in a supportive environment. It's a sisterhood that understands the complexities of life and aims to nurture the spirit.

Our Youth Ministry is more than just a programme; it's a supportive community where young minds are encouraged to explore, question, and deepen their relationship with God. We believe in nurturing the next generation, empowering them to navigate life's challenges with a strong foundation in faith. From engaging monthly youth talent programs that provide a stage for self-expression to thought-provoking group sessions where young adults and professionals gather to discuss important matters from a godly perspective.

Fasting and intercessory prayer are crucial for our church's spiritual growth, with our seven-days fasting prayer monthly. We intercede for our nation through weekly prayers and address prayer requests through testimonies.

Our outreach ministry actively spreads God's message during celebratory occasions and through sharing tracts in the community. We aim to touch as many souls as possible, letting them know about the love of Jesus.